Michelle: "I was never comfortable with going to gyms and doing anything but cardio because I had no idea what strengthening exercises to do or how and didn't want to be judged. I reached out to Morgan for a plan I could follow that was simple, effective and most importantly, I was confident doing. She developed one that not only gave me exercises and reps but also little bits about form to make sure I was targeting the right muscle groups! I am now not only going to the gym more than I ever was and seeing results but I actually enjoy going :) I am absolutely stronger than I have ever been and love the support and motivation that Morgan has provided me during the process. Couldn't have asked from a more comprehensive, challenging and REWARDING plan."
Steffi: "I have known Morgan since we were kiddos, waaaay before she was a bada** doctor lady helping people live their best lives. Although I am forever impressed by Morgan, she hasn't changed all that much from the kid I met almost 15 years ago. She has always been driven, kind, and beyond athletic! I like to think of myself as "above average" when it comes to my level of health and fitness...but then I workout with Morgan, and I'm reminded of what a true athlete can do! Morgan is not just your run-of-the-mill trainer. She is highly educated and knows so much about the human body that she can modify just about any exercise to fit your level of fitness and she can actually show you the correct form for each exercise so you avoid injury. As a Certified Personal Trainer and fitness enthusiast I would absolutely recommend Morgan's fitness programs to anyone looking for a great challenge from a great coach!"
Sami: "I decided to try Morgan's guide as a means of getting back into resistance training. She's a former teammate of mine, so it was a no brainer to take the leap and see what she had put together. For the past four years, I have stayed away from heavy resistance training after not feeling the need to "bulk-up" without soccer. I've primarily done cardio: running, swimming, spin class, whatever I could do to get my heart rate up and sweat out the stress of PT school. While I LOVE running and swimming, I realized about 8-10 weeks ago something needed to change with workouts and body. My weight has always fluctuated without soccer, but I've been at a standstill since the fall after gaining weight during a really stressful/challenging rotation. So, when Morgan put out her first guide, I didn't hesitate. Not only did I know I needed to get strong for my health, but for longevity in my career. Since starting 5 weeks ago, I've become stronger, more energized, excited to go to the gym, and have shed some fat! Additionally, I've been consistent with my nutrition which plays a huge roll. My favorite part about the guide (aside from the workouts of course), is the flexibility which is a must with my current grad student lifestyle. It also allows me to fit in cardio when I want! I still have 4-5 weeks left in the guide, but I'm so excited to continue with it. It keeps me on my toes because it varies every three weeks! If you're looking for a program put together by someone who has done their research and has the knowledge to truly guide individuals through a resistance program, this is it!"